Flout: Meaning, Definition and Synonyms – A Quick Guide

You might now come across the word “flout” every day, but if you’ve ever heard someone use it and weren’t quite sure what it meant, don’t worry – you’re not alone.

Here, we’ll provide you with a quick overview of the meaning and definitions of “flout,” as well as some example synonyms and antonyms to help you get the hang of it for usage in everyday conversation.

In short, “flout” is a verb that means to disregard or disobey conventions or rules openly. It’s commonly used in phrases such as “to flout the rules” or “to flout authority”, which implies that someone is knowingly disregarding and/or disobeying the established rules. In other words, flouting a rule would be the opposite of accidentally breaking one by accident.

It can also often be used in reference to societal norms or laws, meaning to treat with contemptuous disregard or scorn.

Key Summary

  • Flout is a verb meaning to disregard or scorn a rule or convention contemptuously.
  • Synonyms for flout include disregard, dismiss, overlook, scorn, and neglect.
  • Word forms: flouts, flouted, flouting.
  • Antonyms for flout include comply, abide, observe, obey and follow.
  • Flout is commonly confused with flaunt, which means to show off or display something with pride.
  • Antonyms for flout include obey, abide, follow, observe, comply, and conform.

What Does Flout Mean: Definition

Flout is a verb that means to treat with contemptuous disregard or scorn. When you flout something, you intentionally ignore or openly defy a rule, convention or societal norm. This term can be applied to various contexts, including social situations, legal matters, and ethical dilemmas.

In everyday language, you might encounter phrases like “flouting the rules” or “flouting authority” to describe someone openly disrespecting established norms or acting rebelliously. The act of flouting can be seen as bold and daring; however, it might also be viewed negatively, particularly in situations where respect for rules and authority is essential.

How to Pronounce Flout?

Flout is pronounced as “fl-out” or “flah-ut” (/flaʊt/) with a short “ou” sound, similar to how “shout” is pronounced and it consists of two syllables. The “ou” diphthong sounds similar to “ow” in “how” or “now”.

The pronunciation of words is identical in both British and American English. Both accents place the same stress on the initial syllable.

Flout: Word Origin

The word “flout” has a fascinating etymology. It is believed to have originated from the Middle English word “flouten,” which means “to play the flute.” Over time, the word evolved to include the sense of “mock” or “scorn” in the 16th century.

This development was likely influenced by the Old French word “flauter,” which translates to “play the flute” or “jeer at.”

Today, the word “flout” is used to convey defiance through mockery. Its journey from its original musical roots to its present meaning is a testament to the evolution of language and the power of words.

Flout: Synonyms and Antonyms

When you want to express the act of treating something with contempt or showing disdain, you can use the verb “flout”. However, if you wish to diversify your language or find an alternative word for flout, consider these synonyms:

  • Disregard
  • Dismiss
  • Despise
  • Scorn
  • Neglect
  • Overlook
  • Despise

Each synonym varies in nuance, but all convey a similar meaning of contempt or dismissiveness. For instance:

  • Disregard and overlook both suggest a conscious choice to ignore something.
  • Dismiss implies a direct rejection or refusal to consider something.
  • Scorn and despise emphasize the idea of contempt, perhaps conveying stronger negative emotions.

Here are some examples of how you can also use these words to convey a similar meaning:

  • Instead of flouting the rules, you might say, “He disregarded the rules.”
  • If you dislike flouting a dress code, one might say, “She overlooked the dress code with disdain.”

Remember, your choice of synonym will depend on the specific context and connotation you wish to convey.

Now, let’s quickly look at some antonyms for flout i.e. words that convey a sense of compliance and acceptance:

  • accept
  • adhere
  • comply
  • conform
  • follow
  • obey
  • respect

Flout: Usage in a Sentence

When you flout something, such as a rule or an accepted way of behaving, you openly disregard it.

In this section, let’s look at how you can use flout in various sentences:

  • You shouldn’t flout the law, or you might face serious consequences.
  • Becky decided to flout convention by wearing a bright purple dress to her formal event.
  • The company was known to flout safety regulations, putting its employees at risk.

These examples demonstrate the different ways the term “flout” can be used. In each instance, the subject ignores or disregards a rule, regulation, or convention, often doing so openly and without fear of the potential consequences.

Is flout a Scrabble word?

Yes, flout is a valid word in Scrabble. You can use flout in your games to score points. Here’s a brief breakdown of its score:


With a total of 8 points, flout can be a useful addition to your Scrabble arsenal.

Flout: Commonly Confused Words

Flout vs Flaunt

When discussing “flout”, it’s essential to address its commonly confused counterpart, “flaunt”. Although flout and flaunt may sound similar, you should remember that they have different meanings and usages.

Flout means to openly and contemptuously disregard a rule or convention. For example, if you flout traffic laws, you’re showing your disdain for these regulations by blatantly ignoring them.

Flaunt, on the other hand, means to show off or display something ostentatiously. If you flaunt your new car, you’re making sure others notice it, perhaps as a symbol of your success.

Consider this mnemonic to distinguish between “flout” and “flaunt”: “Flout” means looking for rules to break like scouting, while “flaunt” means showing off like mounting a display.

In Summary

There you go, another quick Weboword guide with a new word to add to your vocabulary!

I hope this was another step to help bolster your vocabulary and communication skills.


What does the word flout mean?

Flout means to treat something, such as a law or rule, with contemptuous disregard or scorn. When you flout something, you openly show that you have no respect for it and refuse to obey it.

What is another word for flout?

If you’re looking for another word for flout, here are some synonyms you can use:

  • Disregard
  • Despise
  • Forget
  • Dismiss
  • Overlook
  • Scorn
  • Neglect
  • Disparage

Is it flouting or flaunting?

Although they sound similar, flouting and flaunting have different meanings. As mentioned earlier, ‘flouting’ refers to openly disregarding or showing contempt for something, such as laws, rules or conventions. On the other hand, ‘flaunting’ means to display something ostentatiously, often to attract attention or boast. Therefore, use ‘flouting’ when discussing contemptuous disregard and use ‘flaunting’ to describe showy displays.

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Aman, at the helm of Weboword as its founder and Word Architect, believes deeply in the ability of words to connect, educate, and inspire. Each word is a key, and with Weboword, he aims to unlock the doors of imagination, understanding, and connection.

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